Thursday, October 18, 2012

31 (and some change) weeks

This week has already gotten away from me! It seems as though every time I try to get my schedule a little more clear to allow for more rest/relaxation time, a million things come up that require my attention. This week I have once again ended up out of the house every night Monday - Thursday. Thankfully, it's UEA weekend, so there is no school today or tomorrow, and I only had to go to work one day this week.

Athan & I comparing our baby bellies. His was a green alien; I am hoping for pinkish human!

So, 31 weeks. I feel like the shuttle count-down. 10....9..... and at the same time, I get the sense this baby is coming a bit early. I keep dreaming this over & over - it's either me processing my fears of him/her coming too early, or it's my psyche's way of preparing me that mid-December is just a little too long for this baby to wait.

Last week, I went to a class that my midwife was teaching to midwifery students about prenatal care. She needed a couple of mama models, and asked me & another pregnant mama to come to her class. There were about 12 students there, so they split into 2 groups and took turns using all of the various tools to find heart tones, palpate the baby for position, measure fundal height, etc. It was interesting to see how differently baby responded to each pair of hands - those who were already very comfortable (which seemed to be those who had been in the program longer) got baby pressing up against them, easy to find heart tones, etc. Those who were more nervous had baby turning away to hide ;). Interestingly, I was measuring about 37-38 cm, another 4-5 cm gain in one week. As you are 'supposed' to be measuring the same number of cm as weeks, I can see why everyone thinks I am about to 'pop any minute.' Cathy actually came over to check to be sure the students were measuring correctly, but she came up with 37 as well. We all decided I am just very well hydrated right now (or at least I was last Thursday).

We had our last birth class last night - did a fun 'labor rehearsal' to practice all of the labor positions & massage/counter pressure techniques we had learned. I got to give the other mama & our instructor (who is also pregnant) their baby gifts. I was also asked to bring in my cloth diapers to show them all the different types. I really do have some of everything, and it was fun to show off the ones I made a few weeks ago.

This week's goals are to get some more sleep, catch up on some more scrapbook layouts, order my belly casting kit, and get together a list of people to invite to the baby shower/mama blessing. My sweet friend Alyssa has agreed to host this for me, on December 1st. I don't know yet where or what time, but will keep everyone posted. I am looking forward to having a time to celebrate the coming of this sweet little person with some friends & family. I'm sure we will be having a little mini-blessing on Thanksgiving as well, since so much of my family will be here for that celebration. I just have to remember to not over-do it that week!

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