Wow, only about 10 weeks left! Holy crap, only about 10 weeks left!
That was my reaction this morning.... Which wasn't as intense as the reaction I had last Thursday, when discussing my different due dates, and 'when would be too early to give birth at home' with my midwife. I always like to have that date in my head, just in case. When we figured it out from the earliest date, and she said, "Any time after November 20th!" I almost passed out. That's BEFORE Thanksgiving! And it's not even December!!! I haven't once given serious thought to giving birth in November. And I have all kinds of family coming in for Thanksgiving, I'm going to be too busy to give birth ;) More accurately, my house is going to be too busy & hectic to be conducive for a birth. Which, knowing the natural responses of women's bodies, would make it almost impossible for me to go into labor that week anyway. But still, just the idea of it was enough to create a real "OMG" moment.
Feeling generally good, other than the exhaustion. I measured an extra 4 weeks at last week's appointment (33 weeks at 29), but that is pretty normal for me. I feel like I have put on a few more pounds, too. I don't plan to get on a scale again until 38ish weeks, and then only for Cathy's records & curiosity. I don't really care about the weight, but I can feel it right now. Or maybe that's the tiredness dragging me down. Regardless, I am feeling BIG.
We re-arranged our bedroom in preparation for the birth. Somehow there is SO much more space in here now! I also hung some of my favorite pictures of the boys above my dresser - inspiration for those moments of labor when I wonder what in the hell I am doing and why ;) We also got confirmation from Cathy that there is plenty of room in the bathroom for the birth tub. It feels a little silly to be planning to put a tub next to our tub, but those birthing tubs are just so much better for moving, laboring, etc... plus I don't have to worry about getting it sanitary before-hand. Birth tubs have single-use linings that don't have to be washed before or after. I am starting to feel like I have a space to birth, which feels very settling. I also feel like we have everything we need, except for a car seat & a couple packages of newborn disposable diapers. I like to use these for the first 7-10 days, both so I don't have the extra laundry, and because meconium (baby's first poops) is a bitch to get out of cloth diapers. Other than those 2 things, I feel pretty prepared for those first weeks - plenty of clothes, nice warm blankets, cloth diapers, nursing bras. I am getting excited to meet this little one - s/he is so active, constantly making her/his presence known.
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