Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 29

I know I keep saying this - but WHERE is all of the time going???? I swear someone is stealing it! I know it was only 2 days ago that I sat down to write last week's post, wasn't it? And yet, here we are again, it's Tuesday, and it's another new week.

I have definitely been slowing down even more. I can't imagine working even my 3 short days at the school for much longer. The mere idea of driving into town, working at school for 6 hours, & driving home makes me cringe. And yawn. Even sewing has become tiring... I made a diaper yesterday and practically needed a nap when I was finished!

We have been re-thinking our birth plans, in regard to the yurt. The biggest concerns are (in no particular order) power failure, running back & forth to the house for food, supplies, etc, and that it isn't really our home, even though it is part of our community. I have an appointment with Cathy this week (seriously, it's been 4 weeks since I've seen her already? I told you someone is stealing time!), and plan to ask her some questions about the size of the birth pools, etc. I also have a whole list of other questions to ask her, about how many weeks do we need to reach before she will attend the birth at home, how she handles cervical lips (if you don't know what that means, just know they SUCK and I have had one 3 times in a row now!), and how she handles birth supplies (do I need to order them, does she bring them beforehand, etc). It's a long list, and I imagine she will be quite surprised as I have had very little to ask this whole pregnancy. But, it's flown by, and it's almost time to start preparing for the actual birth, and I am a planner.

Athan is getting quite excited as well - I am getting the almost daily question of 'when is the baby coming?' It's kind of nice to have all of these milestones in place to keep his excitement at bay - we have to prepare for Halloween right now; then it will be having family here for Thanksgiving. After that, I can distract him with Christmas/Solstice preparations. And, of course, there is still the distraction of soccer season for a few weeks (I'm off to one of Gabe's games in about 45 minutes), and the daily distractions of games to play, school, and friends to visit.

Random picture of my boys on the Salt Flats - from our road trip to Uncle Jeremy's wedding

That's about it for an update this week. I did update the baby registry with a couple of things that I thought it would be nice to have. The registry can be found at http://www.buybuybaby.com/regHome.asp? - just put in Jen Schwartz, and it will take you to a list of all of the Jennifer Schwartz's with registries - I'm the only one in Utah ;) Apparently there are 9 of us having babies - or recently had babies. And one of them seems to have had a baby on Corbin's birthday, which is really a coincidence. Small world!

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