Baby profile, possible thumb sucking :)
We had our ultrasound today, at exactly 20 weeks. I've always had mixed feelings about US's - I had 2 with Corbin, one regular anatomy scan with Gabe, and a 'quick peek' with Athan when we thought he might be twins. At my 'advanced maternal age', however, I wanted to be prepared if there was anything to be prepared for. So, even though my midwife doesn't require an US like my last 2 did, I decided to get one anyway.
The great news is that everything looks good! Heart, lungs, brain, kidney, general development. The US tech put my due date a week earlier than my EDD, which still puts us in mid-December, but is closer to the date I intuit we will be actually having a baby. Of course, if you read my first blog post you know I don't really believe in due dates, but I still thought it interesting that his estimate was almost spot on with mine.
Spine shot
Anyway, he kept it short, per my request, was amazingly good at getting all of the needed shots quickly, and we had a fascinating conversation about raising chickens and our unique blended family lifestyle. I have to admit I was quite relieved to see only ONE baby, what with my recent twin dreams & chicken/egg dreams (a fertility symbol, in old wives tales often said to predict pregnancy or birth of multiples).
In other news, yesterday's nausea seems to have been food related, as I feel totally fine but still tired today. Oh, and of course, today is 20 weeks, which is the half-way point of a normal pregnancy, so yay for that, I will have to remember to celebrate a bit later! It's hard to believe I am already half way through this pregnancy. There has been so much happening that time has flown, and I sure will continue to fly until about 36 weeks ;) Of course then there is Thanksgiving, one of my absolute favorite holidays, and family visiting, so that will eat up some time. Then the last couple of weeks to make winter holiday arrangements. I am sure even with all that going on I will be crawling through those last weeks wishing s/he will just SHOW UP ALREADY. Because that's simply how pregnancy goes.
super awesome! I can't wait to meet this kid.