Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week 15! It's finally time to meet with my midwife this week for our first prenatal. I can hardly wait to hear a HEARTBEAT!!!! Right now I'm crossing my fingers that it's only one - like my last pregnancy I'm kind of big. But there was only one Athan, so I'm assuming there is only one this time, too. I guess I will know for sure in about 36 hours.
I can't find a good picture for this week, so you are stuck with this:

So. I'm feeling rather good still. 15 weeks seems like a milestone for me, and I'm not sure why - it's not a half way or 1/3 way point, but the number just feels good. More meaningful than the last numbers have been. I keep bumping my belly on things - I think I have more clearance than I actually do. Today I bumped it on the wall twice, 4-5 times on the kitchen counter, once on Alyssa, and I don't even know how many times on Athan. Baby is only as big as an orange; belly is big as a watermelon.

I've been reading a few more books for the dissertation, and one that has been really great is "Women Giving Birth" which is a collection of interviews with Dutch women giving birth at home in standing & squatting positions. It's also filled with pictures, which I showed to to Athan. He is really excited about being at the birth, and I want him to be prepared for the reality. Even though I am planning to give birth in the tub, who knows how things will play out. I want him to understand there will be noise, there will probably be blood, there will definitely be fluids. I love that he and Gabe both want to be there - I may have mentioned Gabe has asked if he can cut the cord. I'm excited to have them participate, and to be there to welcome their new baby sister. Or brother. But hopefully sister.

I got the baby dresser/changing table moved today, and got a real dresser moved into my room for myself (I've been using the changing table as my dresser since we moved. Not really adequate). I even put all the baby stuff away in the dresser. I'm terribly unprepared, lol - I have about a days worth of clothing. Maybe two if it's a slow day. Good thing I still have 25ish weeks to prepare.

I was getting all of the paperwork ready for Thursday's appointment with Cathy (midwife), and it started an interesting conversation with Joe. I forget that he hasn't lived in this natural birth world - this is his first rodeo with the non-mainstream pregnancy & birth experience. He said "I don't even know what a midwife is." Totally valid thing to ask about. And it was a good reminder for me that I need to be talking to him about everything along the way.

I'm hoping to make a mid-week post with a recording :) week 15.5 coming soon!

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