Week 7. Whomever named it "morning sickness" should be shot. Or better yet, forced to suffer 24/7 with nausea and vomiting for about 14 weeks nonstop. OK, I get occasional breaks: right after each accupuncture treatment I am starving and race off to stuff my face; this evening, I got a craving and had a HUGE dinner at melting pot. As long as I eat constantly, the nausea remains low-grade and I can keep my blood sugar regulated. Bonus: I'm only puking about twice a week now. Anti-Bonus: none of my clothes fit already, because I'm eating non-stop.
In other news, we got to tell my mom, which was exciting - she was actually in town, so I got to tell her in person, which was wonderful. I had been keeping the secret from her (well, and basically everyone), which is hard for me because I tell my mom everything, but I was really looking forward to telling her in person. We told her to keep it secret, but she immediately told my aunt (who is now pretending that she doesn't know). Family dynamics!
I'm finding that the current style in maternity clothes is going to be tough - everything seems to be in the 'tuck below your belly' style. Which is cuter than the 'massive panel to stretch over your belly' style. Unfortunately, I've got about an inch of body between the top of pelvic bones and where I carry babies, which means I will be looking for REALLY loose clothes, because those elastic bands just cut right into my tummy. None of the boys liked that pressure on their space once they could move around, and frankly neither did I. I guess I'll go with dresses. Which will be fun in December....
What else? Baby is now blueberry sized - as Joe said the other night while I was in the midst of throwing up, "That blueberry is kicking your ASS." Yes, she is. She is definitely making me tired, too. Boobs not hurting as much, so that's nice.
Oh, and I had a tarot reading - pulled a card for the blueberry, we got two black birds (one raven, not sure the other) on either side of a white horse. Not entirely sure what that means, but the psychic seemed a bit speechless by the whole thing. Any experts on that out there? I looked it up in Animal Speak and found some interesting things about the individual animals, but know nothing about the combination, other than there is a LOT of Air energy, movement, and power.
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